Schoolfilm Hamid

July 18 @ 9.30 – 1 pm

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Based on a true story, the film is about seven-year-old Hamid, whose father suddenly disappeared – like many men in the region of Kashmir since the conflict started in 1989. From one day to the next, the boy’s life is turned upside down. He looks  for his father everywhere.

Desperate, sad and deeply disappointed by life, Hamid’s mother responds with numb resignation and ignores her son’s questions and concerns. Eventually she tells him that his father is with God.

Lonely and tormented by his loss, the boy continues his search until one day he learns that 786 is God’s number. Again and again he dials it on the phone, hoping to get in touch with God so as to ask him to bring his father back.

One day his call is finally answered.



18. July 2019

9.30 – 1 pm

5 Euros

Metropol 2


Metropol Kino Stuttgart

Bolzstraße 10 
Metropol Kino Stuttgart, Baden-Weurttemberg, 
70173 Germany



Filmbüro Baden-Württemberg

School Day - Screening and public discussion

On Thursday, 18 July 2019, the school day will be held as part of the 16th Indian Film Festival Stuttgart. Individuals are welcome to join, admission is free for persons accompanying pupils or groups.

Here, the festival audience and pupils of grades 9 to 12 gain an insight into the diversity of politically and socially relevant topics of India. The film screening will be followed by a discussion with the director Aijaz Khan, hosted by Rajvinder Singh in English. Expert Prof. Dr. med. em. Jakob Rösel will give a lecture in German. Shown is the film in original language with English subtitles. Teachers teaching grades 9 to 12 can register until Wednesday, July 10, 2019.

The School Day is an event for school classes with a specialised lecture, discussion and film screening on different topics of Indian culture, politics and society.  The School Day is an inherent part of the festival. The event is supported by the Robert Bosch Stiftung

The Robert Bosch Stiftung is one of the biggest company-backed foundations in Europe. In their charitable work, they tackle social issues at an early stage, develop their own extraordinary solutions and also encourage third party initiatives that fi t their targets.

Prof. Dr. em. Jakob Rösel

Jakob Rösel is Professor for International Politics and Development Cooperation at the University of Rostock. Like no other, he has approached different regions of South Asia from a political, sociological and historical perspective during his scientific career with stations in Heidelberg and Freiburg.

After working on the Jagannath Temple in Orissa and Eastern India in the late 60s and early 70s, he focused specifically on the formation and development of Sinhalese nationalism. His recent work also covers the Kashmir conflict, the influential Mohajir ethnic minority in Pakistan, and migration policy in Afghanistan. The fact that he also did not lose sight of the Indian Union is shown in his book published in 2008 entitled “India in the New Century” (together with Pierre Gottschlich, Baden-Baden: Nomos).

Rajvinder Singh, Author and Cultural Mediator

The German-Indian writer, dubbing artist (among others from the Pro7 success series “The Big Bang Theory”), translator and head of creative writing workshops at schools Rajvinder Singh has been living in Berlin for 38 years. He is a passionate mediator between cultures, especially between Germany and India. On the Federal Government’s website he is referred to as “A Bridge Builder for Germany”. As a founding member of the initiative: “Courage against xenophobia”, he has been giving lectures at schools since 1993 and offers creative intercultural writing workshops to familiarise pupils with other cultures, reduce their fears of the “foreign” and thus broaden their horizons. The author of eleven volumes of poetry and numerous essays and narratives in German, as well as three volumes of narratives written together with the students during his writing workshops: Beyond the Horizon and Two Birds under a Linden Tree, has also led numerous school trips to India under the motto DIALOGUE OF CULTURES, a term he coined in 1993 in response to Huntington’s clash of civilizations.

(c) Tina Sari